Frequently Asked Questions

  • For sure not! Yoga will over time help you increase your flexibility, but yoga itself is not just about that. I teach beginner oriented classes, providing the right modifications and adaptations to your body. You are unique, and so is your yoga.

  • Currently, you can practice with me either through one of my corporate clients if you are an employee or on a total individual basis with a private class (online or in Berlin).

    More classes will hopefully follow soon. Stay tuned, my love!

  • The best yoga mat is the one that makes you feel stable and happy in your practice. There are a million different brands and varieties, and it can be difficult to navigate sometimes. But don’t let that capitalist approach in the yoga world fool you, just get one that is affordable for you now and see how it goes! Ask a friend to test theirs. I use Liforme and Jade Yoga. I personally value brands that emphasize sustainability and have at least a thickness of 5mm (unless for travel).